Saturday, December 12, 2009

December Children's Books and Craft

Books for younger elementary age kids:

Santa Cows by Cooper Edens, illustrated by Daniel Lane, published by Green Tiger Press. This story is a rhyming book that is written in the same way as "The Night Before Christmas." It is very funny and kids love the silly cow antics as they visit a lucky family on Christmas Eve.

Santa Cow Island is a sequel to Santa Cows. It follows the same silly cows and the family they visit the day after Christmas until New Years.

Three wonderful stories written by Jan Brett, published by Scholastic are Wild Christmas Reindeer, Christmas Trolls and Who's That Knocking on Christmas Eve?
All three have the beautiful illustrations by Jan that we have come to love and each tells a fun Christmas story.

Books for older elementary kids:

Santa Paws- written by Ellen Emerson White, Illustrated by Robert J Blake, published by Scholastic, New York. This heartwarming story is about a homeless mutt who is looking for someone to love him. Isn't Christmas the perfect time for a miracle?

Night Tree by Eve Bunting, illustrated by Ted Rand, published by Harcourt Brace, New York. This wonderful story about a family who has a picnic in the forest at night in the cold. Sound crazy? Well, the animals are ever so thankful.

A book for parents as well as children!:

You Are My Miracle, written by Maryann Cusimano Love and Satomi Ichikawa, published by Philomel Books, New York. Get ready to tear up when you read this wonderful Christmas story about a parent's love.

Santa Ornament Project-
You will need green, black and pink construction paper, scissors, glue, cotton, yarn or ribbon, markers or crayons and decorations of your choice

1- Cut two identical triangles out of the green with the base bring 4 inches and the sides being 6 inches. Cut two rectangles for arms out of green, a circle head and hands from the pink paper and boots from the black paper.

For this Santa ornament project you will need paper in green, pink and black, cotton, ribbon or yarn, glue, and decorations of your choice.

2-Put glue along the edges of one triangle. Add the tops of the boots at the bottom of the triangle. Glue on the arms about half way down. Add a hand at the end of each arm. Cover the first triangle with the second triangle, sandwiching the boots, and arms in between.

3- Glue the head on the triangle leaving the top as a hat. Glue cotton for a hat brim and add a beard. Draw a face or punch out circles of red for the eyes and nose.

4- Punch a hole in the hat and attach a piece of ribbon or yarn as a hanger.

5-Add a real candy cane or make one out of pipe cleaners. Attach between the hands. decorate the coat however you wish.

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