"The Ankle Grabber" by Rose Impey, illustrated by Moira Kemp, published by Gingham Dog Press, Columbus, Ohio. A great spooky story for kids who have trouble falling asleep at night for fear of what's under the bed. Here is a sample..." Every night when I go to sleep I try to stay far away from the Ankle Grabber beneath my bed. Its hand could reach up at any second and pull me down by my ankles into its invisible swamp." It's one of the stories designated as "Creepies" and if you enjoy it here are some other titles: "The Flat Man", "Scare Yourself To Sleep", and "Jumble Joan".
Anno's Faces by Mitsumasa Anno, published by Philomel Books, New York. This incredible book provides kids with see through plastic cards that they can place over 47 different fruits and vegetables to make them smile or frown. It is especially fun to try all the faces on the pumpkins.
Days With Frog and Toad by Arnold Lobel, published by Harper Collins, New York. The story from this collection that is perfect for October is
"Shivers" because it is a perfect scary/funny story about getting lost in the woods and fearing a monster or ghost is stalking you. The kids will certainly enjoy it, especially if you read it using a scary voice at the appropriate times.
Stuffed Owl Art Project
Materials needed: small paper bag, construction paper, tape or glue, old newspaper
1. Stuff a small paper bag with crumpled up newspaper (about half to three fourths full). Close the top of the bag and fold the outside corners toward the middle forming a point and tape or glue to secure.
2. Fold the top (now a point) down to the front of the bag leaving room at the bottom and secure with tape or glue.
3. Using yellow or orange construction paper or card stock, have the kids cut out a beak to tape or glue onto the point of the bag, and two brown feet to tape or glue to the bottom. Cut ovals out of white or yellow paper to make eyes. (I used self- adhesive reinforement rings in the center of each eye and then punched a hole in the center).
Display on a windowsill or table. Additions might include hand drawn feathers (or wings), glitter on the eyes, or a "nest" of fall colored leaves glued to construction paper for the owl to sit on.
How cute is this!! What an adorable project for fall.
Halloween is one of my favorite holidays to read and craft with the kids!
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